Monday, February 14, 2011

Warm-ups, Islanders, and Team Green's Snackin' Salsa Verde

And a g'day to ya!  The ICC Cricket World Cup will start in just a few days time, and some of the warm-up matches are already under way.  Australia was looking good in their dry run against India, but ultimately India won the practice game by 34 runs.  Some of the aussie chaps got smashing haircuts, but in the end they failed to smash out enough runs for a victory.  No worries though, lads; it was just a mock game and it doesn't count! 

Ireland has their mock game with Zimbabwe today.  I haven't seen either team play before, so this should be interesting.  Come to think of it, I've never tried Irish or Zimbabwean cuisine, either.  Hmmm.  Let me do some research and some kitchen experimentation, and I'll give ya a couple of recipes to round-out your cooking repertoire if everything turns out.  Anyhoo, the cricket between the two nations should be entertaining!

And some other news:  Canada lost their warm-up match to Bangladesh.  Yes, you read that right; Canada has a cricket team in the World Cup, and their heavy-hitter batsman is John Davison, a native of Cambell River on Vancouver Island, BC.  Mr. Davison is also the oldest cricketer in the World Cup at 40 years of age.  Right on, John Davison...way to show people that we Islanders are made of tougher stuff
The Canadian Afridi, John Davison, in Fighting Form at 40.  YES!
So even though Pakistan is first in my cricketing heart, I must admit that I will be cheering on the Canadian lads in every match.  Let's go Canada, entertain the world and let's show them that there's more to our country than snow, bacon, maple syrup and hosers!
 No offense to the iconic hosers Bob and Doug McKenzie, you're the bestest hosers ever!
And now to Team Green, my favourites of all time, Pakistan.  My lovely lads have been training hard and working so beautifully together.  Hats off to Shahid Afridi and Misbah ul-Haq for bringing this squad together and improving morale.  After a year of total chaos on the team, these two have brought stability, pride and discipline.  Our lads can go into this World Cup with their heads held high!  LOVE you guys!!

In honour of the BEST TEAM OF ALL TIME, I'd like to present them with one of my BEST SNACKS OF ALL TIME...of ALL TIME!  Team Green, have some Salsa Verde, a green mexican chutney which goes very well with samosas or plain, deep fried roti chips or tortilla chips.  Green and Green!  A match made in heaven...Green Power!  Go Greens!

Salsa Verde for Team Verde

1 cup of chopped coriander (cilantro)
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup chopped green onion
2 dark green lettuce leaves
1 red tomato or several tomatillos (a small green tomato)
several chopped green chilies (adjust to taste)
3 cloves of garlic
juice of several limes

Puree everything together until smooth.  Let sit for at least a half an hour so the flavours meld together.  Serve with home-made roti chips, or deep-fried corn tortillas which have been cut into triangles.

Great!  Nice and easy recipe, yet absolutely delicious and absolutely appropriate to show our Green Team spirit!   I'll show you some other things you can do with the salsa verde in the next couple of days.  I also promised you I'd show you how to make frijoles, ie refried beans.  Remember; even though I might be late, I keep my promises.
Stay Green!

Happy Cricket, Happy Cooking, and Happy Green!

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