Sunday, February 20, 2011

Minnows, Competing with Dignity, and Hot Chocolate for Grumpiness

And it's cold in Melbourne today and it's cold in my heart.  'Twas indeed a bad day for the minnow or minor teams.Sri Lanka showed the Canadians who's boss on the cricket pitch yesterday and New Zealand just pounded the Kenyans into submission. 

So, yes, Canada lost, but what a good show they put on in the first 25 overs, containing the Sri Lanka run rate.  However, Sri Lanka is a phenomenally good team; Jayawardene's ton brought the SL total up to 332.  Good on Sri Lanka!  Even though I was cheering for Canada, I really like the Sri Lankan chaps. 

New Zealand blew the minnow Kenya right out of the water.  Kenya batted first and scored a skimpy 69 runs all out in less than 25 overs; NZ chased those runs and won the match in what seemed like 15 minutes.  It was the shortest ODI I've ever seen. 

Which brings me to my next point.  I have some concerns about the smaller teams, the minnows.  Are these teams properly funded?  Kenya doesn't have standardized helmets with national logos, and some of those helmets are definetly second-hand.  For crying out loud, I know these associate teams may not be that good, but for the love of all that's good, let them compete with dignity!  Give them standardized helmets!  Is the ICC trying to humiliate the minnows as much as possible?  Who is responsible for team kits?  If national governments can't afford equipment, does the ICC step in?  I'll investigate this because no team should have to use old equipment for a World Cup.  Kenya, good on ya for getting to the World Cup.  Even though you lost, we're all still proud of you for making it this far.  GOOD ON YA!

  I want all of the World Cup teams to be competitive, because the more good teams there are, the happier we, the viewers and fans are.  The ICC wants to cut the number of teams participating in the world cup to 10 from the current 16.  That will probably mean even less funding for these smaller teams as governments will think "why bother funding cricket?  It's not like they'll ever have a chance at the World Cup"!  C'mon.  Fund the minnows properly so more of their players can be full-time cricketers, and let's see cricket grow in other parts of the world.  Go Cricket!

Now because I'm so grumpy today, I'm going to have a hot chocolate.  Not one of those silly powdered packet hot chocolates, no no.  I'm having a proper one, made of old-fashioned mexican spiced chocolate and hot milk.  Yes, the thing to get me back to my regular, happy-go-lucky self.  You should try it too.  Stick it to grumpiness!

Hot chocolate

1 litre whole milk
1 round of mexican chocolate (Ibarra or Abuelita, available at Superstore in Canada or at Fruiticana stores)

In a large pot, melt the round of chocolate in the milk over medium-low heat and stir constantly.  If you want a richer hot chocolate, add another 1/2 round.
With a hand blender, whip the hot chocolate until frothy.  You can use a regular blender, but be careful as hot liquids tend to "explode" when in  a regular blender.

Serve hot in a nice big mug and accompany with cake, scones, or cookies.

Hope this puts the kibosh on grumpiness!

Happy Cricket, Happy Hot Chocolate!

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