Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas, Communication Issues, and Tablet for Spreading the Love

Good morning!  So yesterday I mentioned's coming up on the 25th, and I'm pretty happy about that!  Nowadays, Xmas is more of a secular winter holiday where people exchange gifts and have a fantastic meal.  However, originally it's a religious holiday for christians celebrating the birth of Jesus and the love we should all feel for mankind, regardless of race, religion or politics.

And that's the message I want to emphasize; Christmas is not the commercial broo-haha you might see on TV; it's not about giving or receiving bigger and better presents.  It's about reflecting on how awesome the human race is and how we should all love each other.  Christmas is all about the LOVE!

So no matter who you are, where you are, or what you do...I LOVE YOU because you're a part of humanity!  Spread the love!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

On a practical note, I might be incommunicado for the next few days; it looks like I've already used up my monthly allotment of broadband access.  Apparently my internet company doesn't love me enough to give me more than I pay for!  Boooooooooooo! 
I'll do my best to post updates on the Ashes and on the Pakistan T20 coming up...oh I'm so excited about that!  I love Christmas!  I love Cricket!  It's all about the love!!!

Now here's a nice little Christmas treat from Scotland:  it's a sweet called toffee or tablet.  It's almost like a hard fudge, but richer and it melts in your mouth.  Just the thing to go with your Christmas morning cup of coffee or tea!  So let's spread that Christmas love around and let's make some Tablet.

Sweet Scottish Tablet For Sweet Love

1 kg white granulated sugar
1 tin of sweetened condensed milk (Eagle Brand works best)
100 grams unsalted butter
about 1/2 cup fresh milk

In a big pot, add the sugar and pour in the fresh milk. Then add the butter and condensed milk.  Use medium-high heat.
Keep stirring until the mix comes to a boil, about 10 minutes.  If you see dark brown streaks, turn down the heat.
Once the mix boils, turn down the heat to low, and keep stirring so that it doesn't stick.  Be careful, the mix will bubble up quite a bit.  That's why you need a big pot.
Keep stirring.  The mix will change colour after 20 minutes.  If you want a stronger tasting tablet, keep cooking it for another few minutes.
Take the pan off the heat, and start stirring the mix like crazy!  This will change the texture of the mix.  Once it feels a bit "gritty", pour the mix into a flat, buttered pan and let it cool for at least a couple of hours.

Cut into small squares, and serve with tea and lovin'.

Merry Christmas!  Spread the love!  Make this the best time of year!

Love you ALL!

Happy Eating, Happy Cricket!

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